We have collected a large list of documents and links to websites of funding and technical cooperation agencies, non-governmental organizations, international networks; health databases, global health programs, job searches, free scientific and technical journals, and other sources of information, which we encourage you to explore and use as needed, during or after your mentorship.
Global Health Institutions
Organizations, agencies, funds, and programs operating worldwide or regionally.
Multilateral Institutions
Institutions established under international agreements between three or more countries to collaborate at the national, regional, or global level, such as the organizations and agencies of the United Nations System.
(partial list)
Bilateral Institutions
A bilateral institution is a national governmental agency or a nonprofit organization that provides aid, technical collaboration and/or financial support to an international project or program in another country or countries.
(partial list)
International NGOs, Networks and Foundations
Support to another country or countries includes not only intergovernmental cooperation but also the participation of the civil society, professional and academic groups, public and private organizations, charitable and religious institutions, financial aid and lending agencies, and many others.
International NGOs and Partnerships
Independent organizations which operate in several countries or regions and provide services and/or fulfill a promotional or advocacy role to achieve a specific goal.
(partial list)
Networks are dynamic consortia of individuals and organizations who share goals, interests, and aspirations and communicate in a systematic manner to exchange relevant information and/or organize and implement joint initiatives and projects.
(partial list)
A private or public philanthropic entity that provides financial resources to either governmental or non-governmental organizations to implement actions that impact the health, socioeconomic status, and the quality of life of individuals and populations.
(partial list)
Academia and Research
This is a partial list of institutes and universities recognized for their high standards of education and research in public health and global health. A few certified courses in Public Health and Global Health are also included (the list requires regular updates and additions).
Academic and Research Institutions
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) The Netherlands
Karolinska Institut Sweden
Institut Pasteur France
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica Mexico
National Institutes of Health United States
Instituto de Salud Global (ISGlobal) Spain
Universidad Cayetano Heredia Peru
Instituto Carlos III Spain
Courses in Global and Public Health
Statistics and Data Repositories
In this section you have access to several databases and repositories with high-quality, accurate, and dependable information in the areas of health and socioeconomic development.
Technical Information
In this section, you can access links to Ministries of Health worldwide (press the name of the Ministry); a comprehensive list of schools of medicine (press the country name); the fact sheets of the World Health Organization (WHO) on many health issues; lists of free publications in the fields of medicine, public health, and other areas of science, public policy, and technology. Also, links to online and easy-to-follow information and practical advice from experts such as Greg Martin and a few TED lecturers.
World Ministries of Health and Medical Schools (full list)
-> for access to Ministry's website: click on specific Ministry of Health's name
-> for Medical Schools: click on name of country
World Health Organization (WHO) Fact Sheets: A good starting point for technical discussions
Global Health with Greg Martin YouTube Channel: Excellent information and advice
This Week In Global Health: What is happening in Global Health
28,000 newspapers and magazines from 200 countries and territories across the world
Job Databases
In this section, you will be able to explore the work market and apply to the vacancies that best suit your qualifications and career goals.
DevNet - international development jobs and consulting opportunities
UN Careers - job database of the UN Agencies
UN Jobs - vacancies with the UN and other international organizations